Locate the nearest cryptocurrency ATM using Map with hundreds of devices in your area. The map includes the amount of cash in each device, information on opening hours and links to GoogleMaps navigation.
Make sure you choose the right cryptocurrency or network. Also familiarize yourself with the miner fee on the screen. Then, scan the code with your phone with any cryptocurrency wallet.
If you don't want to wait at the ATM, you can sell now on this page, and pick up the cash later from any Bitcoin ATM. By the time you get to a nearby machine, the transaction should have already been approved on the blockchain. Learn more about transaction speeds here.
Once the transaction is approved in the blockchain, scan the second code (barcode) from the printout. Bitcoin ATM It will then issue the cash. If you have questions about whether it is already approved, or anything else, you will find a contact for Customer Support on the device.
This is the easiest way to conduct cryptocurrency transactions.
Prints codes: QR Code at the top and Barcode at the bottom (in red).
The Barcode, located at the bottom, is used to withdraw funds in national currency. After scanning it at the top of the device(1), the cash withdrawal process will begin.
The QR code (at the top of the printout) is used to send cryptocurrency to an address, allowing you to withdraw funds in local currency at a bitcoin ATM. This code can also appear during sales on the website or on the Bitcoin ATM screen. This is our address - the operator's address. You scan it with your phone with any cryptocurrency wallet to transfer funds and get the barcode (at the bottom).
Newer models allow large numbers of bills to be placed at once.
If you encounter a problem when selling cryptocurrency for cash, please contact Customer Support. Help in your language is available via phone, email, Telegram and Whatsapp.
Choose from Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Tron, Litecoin, Dash. Available networks include TRC20, ERC20, Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon. Bitcoin ATMs do not support Lightning Network.
Under the purchase price, it displays the price for the various fiat currencies that are available for deposit at the time of purchase.
Information on how much cash you can withdraw from this cryptocurrency ATM. You don't have to come to a Bitcoin ATM to find out how much cash is in it. Just use the Bitcoin ATMs Map, where this information is given.
The "Show QR code" button(6) generates an address for depositing the selected cryptocurrency, allowing you to withdraw cash. The address will be displayed on the ATM screen and printed on paper.
Before you press it, make sure you choose the right cryptocurrency and network! Be careful when choosing a cryptocurrency(1) and a transmission network(12), especially with currencies such as USDT or USDC.
Additional option: when pressed, enter the barcode number. If the transaction is already confirmed from the blockchain, Bitcoin ATM will withdraw cash.
When you insert cash into the ATM, a panel will open displaying the amount of cash you deposited, the value of the cryptocurrency you will receive, and the blockchain network fee. In this section, you can scan the address of your cryptocurrency wallet or enter it manually using the keyboard. Make sure you are sending funds to the right address by checking the cryptocurrency you want to send(1) and the network you are using(8). This is especially true in the case of USDT or USDC. Transferring to the wrong blockchain network can result in loss of funds.
Due to the length of the address, 99% of users scan the address using the QR code. However, you can also enter it here manually using the keyboard.
Choose from 20 available language versions.
Some of the cryptocurrencies offer transactions on different networks. Choose one of them here. Despite the available security features, choosing the wrong network can result in loss of funds. Bitcoin only offers transactions on one main network, so if you are interested in transacting on BTC, you do not choose a network.
BTC: main network (does not support Lightning Network)
ETH: ETH, Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon
USDT: TRC20, ERC20, Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon
USDC: ERC20, Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon
Learn more about networks from this article.
Choose another cryptocurrency you would like to sell for cash. Prices below already include commission.